Goals and objectives of the movement:

 1.Creation worldwide universities, institutes, centers, schools, media (media) - newspapers, magazines, books, television and radio stations, as well as for the dissemination of shops, trading houses, kiosks, as well as for replication, printing , publisher.

 2. Participation in entrepreneurship, business organization, as its own or together with members of the movement.

 3.  The development of scientific and technical progress (STP) - the creation of research institutes (NII), centers, universities, businesses and industrial complexes, factories, mills, - the creation of prototypes, conducting research and development (R & D) .

4. Improvement of the environment ( ecology ), ecology of the surrounding space, air, production, water, land, goods, food, facilities and transport.

 5. The creation and development of alternative clean energy sources.

 6. Collecting donations for the purposes and objectives of the movement for the operation and development of the movement around the world.

 7. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a waiver of smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, use of foul language.

 8. Estate at its disposal to implement their plans, goals, objectives, and also for the functioning and development:


-And bank accounts

 -Real estate, buildings, industrial and sports facilities, land, houses, apartments, warehouses, businesses, factories, facilities, centers, universities, institutes, research institutes, schools, shops, department stores, kiosks, transportation, automobiles, railways, stations, firms, banks, television and radio stations.

-Property, goods, foodstuffs, construction materials,

 -Grain, oil, gas, fuel, raw materials,

 -Areas, villages, islands, farms,

 -Securities, shares,

-Branches and representative offices in all cities and countries,

- Seals, stamps, letterhead, and other attributes, and documents

 -Anthem, symbols, emblems, flags.

9. Participation in activities to prevent the apocalyptic events that threaten to happen on this planet that are regularly and periodically take place on the planet, as well as on infrastructure, able to withstand and survive with-and post-apocalyptic conditions, such as marine vessels, such as "arks" - (see Site -www.kovcheg vnv.narod.ru ), as in the film - 2012.  Coping with survival in-and post-apocalyptic environment, may also be in the plane of the intensive development of science and technology by creating a device to move through the substance of the time, that is, teleport facilities, which so far are fantastic.  With the help of teleport facilities, you can move through the universe from one end to another, from one galaxy to another people, objects, products, resources, in seconds.  With powerful financial "injections," the idea teleport facilities can become a reality over the next 10-15 years.  VNV Movement should be at the forefront of creating these teleport facilities.  If you can not manage to create a similar setup to the current teleportation in 2030, will have to rely on the establishment of marine vessels, "arks."  Do not think that this is a difficult and arduous task, as the building arks.  After all, if in his time with Noah built an ark one ax, one thousand years ago, then surely with the achievements of modern science and technology is impossible? This activity is very important, necessary, paramount for the movement of VNV as threatening apocalyptic events threaten civilization, all that is created by mankind, its great minds, and even life itself, as well as the life of the immortals.

-The above problems are not based on guesswork, not on assumptions, not on predictions, and the calculations for open physical effects on research.  For example the apocalyptic events on the planet according to the calculations of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) will occur around 2030. Пр Costed apocalyptic event caused the change of the geographic poles of the planet, which happens once every 12,000 years. The last time this change occurred about 12,000 years ago.  The change is due to the geographic poles of the planet Dzhanibekov effect, which was opened Dzhanibekov astronaut during space flight.  The essence of this effect is that every body, including the ball flying in outer space, after a certain period of time turned around 180 degrees, and then continues to move again, then again turned around 180 degrees, and so constantly making these periodic upheavals.  The same effect occurs with the planet.  For about 4 billion years of our planet, such as a 180-degree reversals occurred more than 300 000 times!

 -What is happening to the planet with such a coup?  But that - on top of the planet covered by water at 100 meters, due to the fact that when you move the poles of the planet will move the ice of Antarctica to warmer latitudes, where it melts.  Further, the instantaneous revolution of the planet, the atmosphere in many places, for a time disappear.  Because of this, the temperature at the surface of the planet down to absolute zero, ie to minus 273 degrees, the temperature of outer space. . Earth's magnetic field also disappears, because of the hard cosmic radiation would kill every living thing. All of this will be followed by still active volcanoes, the movement of tectonic plates, the sea turned into the plains or the mountains, the mountains become plains or in the sea and the waves (tsunami), a height of 1 - 1.5 km, and in some cases up to 3 km, will sweep away everything in its path. Few places can survive, and under certain conditions.

 -Here http://intelogic.ru/news/perevorot_...a/2010-10-02-47 can see two very interesting video about what would happen to our blue planet.

 -And no matter what they happen, we need to be prepared for it.


1. The disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field:

 -Earth's magnetic field protects all life from cosmic radiation, so if it disappears, then the hard cosmic radiation would kill all life on Earth.

11 August 1999, scientists recorded the change in the direction of the vector of the electromagnetic radiation of the Earth on the opposite, as well as the planet's magnetic poles were set in motion, and the rate of displacement of these poles is rapidly increasing every year.

-From the scientific calculations of the coming apocalypse experts associated with the disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field calculations such as CEA academician, Professor Valery Dudysheva can be found by watching the video: the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnnn-c0IunU on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8TNO0nQs-Q , on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhRq74ry6Kc , on http://new-energy21.ru/vsemirnyiy- potop-i-apokalipsis-istinnyie-prichinyi/pro ... , on http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/10395.html . and see the video: http://youtu.be / ywxtoiVDX5Q .

2. The impact on the rotation of the planet Nibiru, the motion of the Earth:

Video-on approaching the land of the planet Nibiru can be found at: http://youtu.be/V8x_C2IP5Vs , and: video.bigmir.net/show/129882 / ,

 and also see the video: youtube.com / Watch? V = 6GQQbvz70s0 , see http://youtu.be/9d0nr390Ses , see and read on http://planet-x-nibiru.ru

(According to the Internet: On-May 15, 2009 planet Nibiru can be seen in a small telescope, and from May 2011 it will reach the brightness of Venus. Since May 2012 Nibiru will shine brighter than the moon. A December 21. In 2012 (the end of the Mayan calendar ) Nibiru will pass through the ecliptic of the planet earth and will be located at a record distance from the nearest land. Period of Nibiru is (estimated) for about 3600 years.) Passage of Nibiru near the ground can also cause a shift of the geographical poles of our planet, which will lead to higher described the events.

3. Strong activity (flares) of the Sun  (see: konetssveta.ru /? p = 1538 and see: conec-sveta.ru/solnechnaya-akti ... ).

 4. Operation of the accident or the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC ):

 -When the LHC, as a result of experiments on the simulation conditions that were at the time of the Big Bang, our universe was formed when, according to calculations of scientists can be formed, "Black Holes", the black hole, which may in future come together in one powerful black holes, which can leave under the so-called "control" of scientists and swallow the entire Earth and the Solar System, (see video at: http://youtu.be/Ut9VBLFc9oI , see http://youtu.be/QwOPC5_AMtk , see http://youtu .be/QaXlTS6-6S0 , see http://youtu.be/TrXM1ljmRCM , see http://youtu.be/kX7olXlF3iU , see http://youtu.be/Fq5GaCb77IA , see http://youtu .be/JHKFGh0K7OQ ).

5. Earth's collision with a comet or asteroid:

6. The massive use of nuclear weapons (see video at: http://youtu.be/Thwdj3_aFUs ,  see: http://youtu.be/LxD44HO8dNQ.

7. The massive use of chemical or biological weapons:

- Background-impending crisis were clear: The leader of Libya, Gaddafi threatened to use chemical weapons against Europe if it does not stop bombing the Libyan territory controlled by Gaddafi, (see video at: http://youtu.be/C2K6g1RhD4I and see others. ..). How can you not remember the predictions of the use of nuclear or chemical weapons in the third world war, and that it started in 2008 and strengthen in 2011-2012, and that the northern hemisphere will be lifeless As a result of this war.  Hopefully, this is one of the options, not as the only and the future we can still change.According to the latest prediction errors occur until about a year.  We can assume that the government and security forces are taking steps to address the causes of future global catastrophes that can occur and that predicted by some clairvoyants.  Peace to all roads and any who do not want to die for "the end of the world."

- Now, there is a premise of another crisis: planned war against Iran by Israel and other countries.  But probably all think about the bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities in order to avoid just such a turn of history: Iran begins to have a nuclear bomb, and get access to Islamic radicals, which can enter into a nuclear standoff with the West, in which nuclear weapons can easily pass out of control and it can be used by terrorists.Therefore deem the instigators of the war, it is better to let there be no nuclear war with Iran, then what it could be nuclear war, when Iran will have nuclear weapons, and then the world really could expect "doomsday".  But in any case there is a threat to peace.

 8. Experiments in climate-control operation or an accident of climate weapons:

 - One example, HAARP-(high-frequency active research program of the Northern Lights). HAARP - climate a top secret super-weapon, the U.S. government facility (Alaska), perhaps a harbinger of the apocalypse.  Specialists, by comparing the facts come to the conclusion that HAARP can cause earthquakes, destroying the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere and generally destroy the planet by sending their energy in its interior, (see video at: http://youtu.be/_Dqq6Sf-VOU , See http://youtu.be/lea_ehFVpCg , see http://youtu.be/Yd-hP0fM8sA ), as well (see video at: http://youtu.be/zBXq_2B7uVY , see http:/ / youtu.be / tQQiZHhJBKk , see http://youtu.be/AI6UhIpI3os , see http://youtu.be/-wFhVw28Rmo , see http://youtu.be/TqzSzCONff0 , see http:// youtu.be/P5uh36a5pg8 , see http://youtu.be/bAmczilB4qk , see http://youtu.be/AI6UhIpI3os , see http://youtu.be/JymJmRDC04U , see http://youtu. be/9gZLydoN2yo , see http://youtu.be/CjMtIu3-Xbg , see http://youtu.be/Z0dav2LrFMI , see http://youtu.be/lQrU-Vw8hjQ , see http:// youtu.be/WQJNsbJOOW8 , see http://youtu.be/KuFMwN30IHE ).

 -This weapon is also in Russia (for example, see the video on: http://youtu.be/SM6jRgJAQkc ).

 9. The creation, use or failure of the gravitational weapons. (See video at: http://youtu.be/G0Zkn1FTEWA ).

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